It is with something that is soft, Messy, colorful, slatly and causes my OCD radar to go off.
You want to know what it is....................
Play Doh!!!!!!!
I love that it keeps my 2 year old occupied.
I hate that my daughter likes to "tatend" ( pretend) to eat the play doh, but really eats it.
I love that it lets Ava use her creativity.
I hate that it caueses my OCD tendencies to come out in a mighty big way, when the colors get mixed.
I love that it helped Ava learn some letters of her Alphabet when we built them out of Play doh.
I hate that I feel like the living room rug will be polka dotted with dried play doh.
I love that play doh is only .99 cents a piece and can be easily replaced.
I love it even more that you can make your own play doh!
I hate that Play Doh "crumbles" are taking over my life!
I love that Ava always asks to "play my play doh!"
I love to watch Ava play with her Play Doh.
I love it when she makes flowers out of Play Doh and brings them to me, or when she serves me Play Doh pancakes.
I love it that I can get an entire meal cooked while Ava plays with Play Doh.
I guess I am falling in love with this messy glob of goodness!
I guess I will have to learn to deal with little jars of mixed Play Doh. It just fits into our little life that is less than perfect but always colorful!
I am laughing very hard right now...imagining how tough it must be to let go of your OCD habits and embrace the mixed doh's and crumbles...and I'm laughing at the fact that I helped propagate Ava's new playtime activity! ;) Hehe! I myself picked out some blue play doh bits from our carpet this very morning! Gotta love life with toddlers who help us to see the fun that can be had when imaginations run wild! Love ya!
This post is great, Kayla. Matt & I actually gave Johnathan play doh for Christmas! Hope my name isn't a bad word around their house now! Well anyways....enjoy the "love" side of it while you can. :)
this is a great post. ava is so precious and adorible. this is kalee lauras daughter. i understand play doh is fun but also messy.
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