Well, a few months have come and gone since I logged in here and updated the ol' blog! Needless to say things have been busy in our household!
Lets back up to the wonderful day of June 30, 2012. We welcomed our sweet Lillian into the world. She came into this world weighing a whopping 8lbs 12oz. She sure wanted to make her sweet presence known, with her precious little {baby rolls.}
My delivery was nothing short of perfect and beautiful. I had my heart set on a natural delivery this time around. We arrived at the hospital a little after 5AM, after a night of constant and steady contractions. I was checked by the nurse, and admitted at 4cm dialated. From then on it was just a waiting game that was full of contractions, waiting for my body to keep progressing into the various stages of labor. And progress it did! ( A little slower than I was hoping for! ) With each new stage of labor I wanted to talk myself out of this natural delivery thing, and get the anesthesiologist in there ASAP to get me out of the misery I had out myself in. B U T I kept trucking right along. And I say "I" very loosely. "We" kept trucking right along. I had the most amazing team standing right by my side the entire time. My husband was right at my head the entire time, counting me through my contractions, while I beared down and squeezed the ever lovin' daylight out of his hand. He never once left my side. I have said it a million times since then, and I will continue to say it, he was the best birthing coach a woman could ask for. He was everything I needed that day, and more.
My amazing sister was on my other side offering the most beautiful words of encouragement, and soaking me down with wet towels as I was sweating my way through my contractions. It was such a beautiful thing to see her serve me in such a way. Once the actual delivery took place, my sister stepped back and put on her photographer hat. She captured the first precious moments of sweet Lillian's life.
My mom had come to my house the night before we went to the hospital, and sat with David and I through all of my contractions, writing them down to see how far apart they were. At the hospital she sat back and watched the beauty of a grandchild be born, and the pain of seeing one of her children in an intense amount of pain. My mom was a rock the entire time! She knew my hearts desire to have a natural delivery and she kept me focused on the prize.
After many hours of blood, sweat and tears, it was time to push,......and in 6 pushes, Lillian was born. I will back up for a minute here and say, my dr walked into the room literally 1 min before my first push. I can vividly remember the sound of the nurses and my husband telling me not to push yet. It took every fiber of my being to resist the urge to push. I could feel her bearing down lower and lower with each contraction. Once she was out, the cord was cut and she was placed directly into my arms. She was perfect and beautiful all 8lbs 12oz of her.
Fast forward to today....
Here she is at 8 weeks old! Weighing in at 12 lbs 8oz. She is such a sweet little girl full of lots of baby {grins} and {baby rolls.} Watching our family go from a family of 3, to a family of 4 has been such a sweet blessing to this momma's heart. The way Ava loves her baby sister has been beautiful to watch. I was a bit skeptical of how it would look with my girls being 5 years apart, but it has been wonderful. Having Ava old enough to be a true helper and learn what it means to truly serve someone else has been a great experience.
I can't wait to see what else the Lord has in store for us with this sweet baby. I just can't get enough of her chubby cheeks and her baby blue eyes!